Gamers in the ivory towers

A recent survey of 7,100 executives revealed a secret C-level indulgence: video games. PopCap Games conducted the survey, and here is a summary of their findings:

This representative sample suggests that as many as 80 million white collar workers play casual games. Of those white collar workers surveyed, nearly a quarter (24%) said they play “at work” — with fully 35% of CEOs, CFOs and other senior executives saying they play at work.

Tameka Kee of MediaPost points out the most promising implication for business-to-business (B2B) marketers: “These ad-supported games reach their targets on an unexpected, but increasingly popular medium.” In other words, they reach the men and women who screen their calls, have someone else sort through their mail and block unknown emails.

At last we know what they’re doing behind those closed doors.

One Reply to “Gamers in the ivory towers”

  1. Jeff,


    I guess the question becomes “Why is gaming such a great way to take a break” as opposed to out-and-out Web surfing? If an executive is engaged in casual gaming, often during official and unofficial breaks, how likely is he/she to have the time and inclination to surf?


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