Americhip understands that a hands-on audience is an engaged audience

You’d think, the way I gush over Americhip’s products, that I have a stake in their success. I don’t, and in fact I feel like publicizing their innovations can inspire others to try and top them. Once again, I feel like their competition really has their work cut out for them.

I’ve written before about the still mostly mysterious phenomenon of our unconscious “calling the shots” when we get our hands involved in an activity. It’s like something out of a story of the supernatural, but it’s a phenomenon well-documented since the 1980’s.

Americhip shows us three ways to exploit this hand-to-brain pathway. The first is pretty conventional for anyone who has ever scratched off a lottery ticket. But the other two are still fairly new. Click on the image to get an explanation of each.

Have any of my readers used one of these techniques, or received a mailing or magazine insert with such a technique that really stood out?